Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A healthy breakfast is a healthy breakfast is a healthy breakfast is a healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast is healthy, if you actually slept the night before! Meroyan di waktu malam merupakan suatu kerja atau boleh dikatakan sebagai sebuah(?) hobi yang amat produktif. Hasilnya adalah sarapan pagi yang amat memuaskan.

Haih. Btw, bosan gila x boleh tido, lepas subuh je basuh kete. Mandi n then buat breakfast. Supposedly nak pegi car wash after that, tgk2 tup tup. Pengsan. Kah3. Bangun2 pukul 3.30pm, n teringat, my bike dah siap! Woohoo. Woohoo. Woohoo. It costs RM467. Wooooohooooo!! Mana tak botak kepala.

Back to the story, tested the bike, damn best gila. Teringat waktu2 fit dulu cycling mcm org gila offroad 40km+, cycled from gombak to frasers hill and back(supposedly but i didnt. Hehe), from gombak to genting. Mmg mcm org gila. And im about to be my gila-self again. New life's resolution: Start cycling. :) Oh yeah, and start having good breakfasts. :))

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